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?why don't more a/c have ldg gear that holds them at t/o attitude

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al m

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2021
[solved] with many thanks to @Dana for such a patient explanation!

TLDR/BLUF: I'm asking: what are the constraints that a/c designers are designing to, that stops them from building landing gear that (on the ground) holds the a/c at t/o attitude?

Hi all,

Apologies, probably a daft question; I've read what stuff I can find floating about online re. landing gear (my favourite being the DAR a/c corp design book), but all commentators writing on the subject of nose-wheel a/c seem to assume one wishes one's landing gear to hold the a/c more or less level. I assume this is to taxi with good visibility.

I'm conscious the designer will want the convenience of a tri-gear a/c inasmuch as the pilot is not "flying it until the engine is off", as I understand one must do with conventional/tail-dragger gear.

My reason for asking is that I admire the facetmobile/batray, and I also admire the Verhees D2 (which seems to solve the facetmobile's drosophila-like legs by having gear that holds the a/c at t/o attitude).

So the two constraints I see are:
1. visibility
2. remains tri-gear (IE almost-no thought need be given to control surface orientation during taxi)

I assume I'm missing some others... any more for any more?

With my thanks for consideration,
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