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Mike makes parts

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Jan 3, 2014
If you've followed my last few posts here you'll know I'm searching for a project. Untill I find one or figure out what that is I'd still like to have fun building parts, which is what I truly enjoy. It's been a real challenge to figure all this out for me but the one thing I know for sure is that I love scratch building parts.

So this thread is not about building a airplane. This thread is just a record of myself building various parts and just having fun. I especially enjoy making parts I haven't yet made before.

With absolutely no idea of what airplane I would want I decided to go through every set of plans I have and just find a part or component I'd like to build that would offer me various challenges for the sake of fun and learning knowing that it won't fly, it will simply be art but will still be per plans and airworthy because I always build to the absolute best of my ability. I never take short cuts.

After spending the evening going through plan sets I decided to built a Pitts S1 lower wing. In the next post I'll explain why.

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