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Where is the Mach 1 homebuilt.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2011
Northern Illinois
So, we can buy engines with enough power to break the sound barrier. We don't need to carry radars, we don't need to carry defense systems. So.... all we really need is something to keep the wind off of the pilot, carry fuel, and an engine.

So... where is it? There was the (nearly stillborn) BD-10. Photos: Bede BD-10 Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net There was the Machbuster Photos: Rose Mach Buster Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net Which was also stillborn.

When are the planes at reno going to get there? As it stands isn't 507 the lap record there? That means while turning they're achieving that speed. I wonder how much power is put into accelerating the plane in the corner, versus flying faster...
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