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Mechanical Engineering vs. Mechanical Engineering Technology Programs

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Chris In Marshfield

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jan 29, 2008
Northwest WI USA
Hi all,

To be smarter, and to be more informed on my project -- and potentially reconfigure my lot in life -- I'm considering becoming an ME. Mainly because I don't have close-by access to an AE program, there are several nearby ME programs from which to choose that have my interest.

Two nearby universities offer programs that interest me. One direction down the highway, I have a Mechanical Engineering program. The other direction up the highway has a Mechanical Engineering Technology program. After reading both program descriptions, the MET program is positioned as a good opportunity for a hands-on person like myself. A friend of mine with a BSME pontificates that I might be disappointed with a BSMET because I'd likely miss a lot of the math and other in-depth things that designers value. But on the flip side, I'm not designing a fast-glass, supersonic fighter, either. All the things that interest me are pretty conventional, and even border on vintage designs.

As I move forward with my airplane project, while I am confident that my choices are good ones from collaborating with other more experienced folks, I think I'll feel best when I can validate my choices are 100% correct through math and the like. Do those of you with experience with either course of instruction have any opinions on the matter?

Best regards,