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Loctite and acrrylic (bad)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
I post this information for the "next guy" ...(I'm remembering the good 'ol days before the HBA shut off it's ability to be seen by search engines)

First of all: I won't benefit from anyone telling me that I shouldn't have done it because 'XYZ' (no s#it, I know that now). And deep down inside I knew it was wrong, but everything I could find on f@#*&^g google said it was okay...

A couple of CSK screws on the canopy came loose during the initial flight testing of our chapter Waiex. I googled around and consulted experts, the consensus was it'd be okay to use a wee dab of Loctite on the CSKs to keep them from coming loose.

Bottom line: Loctite shatters acrylic, even "rubberized" acrylic like a Sonex canopy. The plans probably say "don't use Locktite" but if I read every note on the Sonex plans I'd still be waiting to squeeze my first Cleco.

20181103_105005_resized.jpg CM181103-105726002_resized.jpg Interesting: Every screw hole on the canopy failed, but none of the windshield holes failed. ...Yes, Loctite is anaerobic and I would (maybe) have been okay if I'd let it "dry" for a while before I put the screws in....

Learn from my expensive f%@#up :roll:
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