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How to figure out what I owe the tax man for purchasing a kit

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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
I purchased an aircraft kit in Florida back in June and it was shipped to Ohio (actually I picked it up in a rental truck and drove it to Ohio). I got is registered with the FAA 8 days ago in my home state of Ohio.

I have absolutely no freaking clue where to begin. To be honest when I first bought it the thought never even occurred to me. Talking to some aircraft owners they mentioned taxes on kits and it seems that every bit of information I am told or read is just hearsay. I want to just find a local accountant that can tell me what to do but I suspect they will be equally clueless in this situation. Being that it was bought in 2014 and recently registered I'm assuming they are going to expect that I pay whatever is due when I take care of my 2014 taxes.

I have read all kinds of documents as well as the pamphlet aopa puts out. It is a good starting point but everything just references other things. I have read the GT-800008 document from Florida and from that it seems to indicate that since I am a non resident and the kit was immediately removed from Florida I don't have to pay there sales tax. But then that gets confusing because the date on my bill of sale is well before the ship date since the kit was not completed and also is a kit an airplane or does it fall under something else?? are taxes supposed to be assessed based on the sale of the kit or when it is registered with the FAA or when it is registered with the state. etc.

I found a questionnaire that Ohio puts out regarding this stuff but nothing to tell me how to calculate what I owe. I don't get how they expect a person to pay them when the information is so vague.