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Bing Carb cables

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2003
Corona CA
I have a couple of Bing 54s on my engine which I am in the process if installing. The carbs work on a pull-only cables, as does the enricher circuit valves ("choke"). I have twin carbs, so there are two of everything.

I am looking for a decent way to produce a very compact swaged stop on a stranded 1/16" cable, so far without luck. For the enricher valves in particular there is very little room for the stop, it can only be marginally bigger in dia. than the cable to fit in its slot. I have a little more room on the throttle slide hook-up.

Most off-the-shelf bowden cables come from specific setups and work for me. Having a hard time trying to find only inner cables with one swaged end. I guess in the worst case I'd buy those and throw away the parts I don't need, but that goes against the grain.

I tried a blob of solder and it does not stick too well and is unpredictable. Tried a small piece of aluminium bar, drilled and 'swaged' around it with a hammer; hard to keep it symmetrical.
Tried a piece of cut-off nicopress copper sleeve, folded around and hammered , with slightly better results.

Since the the throttles are spring loaded to close on Bings, having a secure connection is essential.

Any ideas?