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Alternatives to Clark Y?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 13, 2010
World traveler
The classic Clark Y airfoil and its variants like the YH are probably the most used and most studied airfoils in light aviation. This thread on the Clark Y-equipped https://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/...mics-new-technology/12165-davis-da-2-lsa.html got me thinking more about this airfoil's desirable characteristics for light aircraft: decent lift/drag, docile stall behavior, flat bottom facilitating easier wing construction and rigging.

What are some alternative airfoils that share these same characteristics (decent lift/drag, docile stall behavior, flat bottom) but offer advantages over the Clark Y? I'd also be interested in any thoughts on the "fat" variations on the Clark Y like the Clark YM15 and YM18 as I am interested in both decent speed and short-field operations without flaps and attracted by the structural benefits of thicker wings.



PS--You can find these and many more airfoils here: UIUC Airfoil Data Site