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Airplanes to build around an A-65?

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Feb 4, 2007
United States
A friend has an A-65 sitting in the corner of his hangar, removed in favor of a C-85 with electric start on the Cub he shares. WIth the availability of reasonably cheap electric start option (Starter for A65 Engine), and his desire to build, I've been thinking about WHAT to build with him, around this engine. A Pober Pixie appeals to my aesthetics, Fly Baby of course, Baby Ace, Pietpenol/Grega. Criteria are 1) plans currently available and 2) designed around this engine. and 3) fits 6-2 or so, and about 200#.

Anything else coming to mind, maybe something a little faster? Anything tri-gear? A DA-2 set up for one? DA-5?

Mission is day VFR flying around and looking at stuff, pavement home airport.