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WM #1

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2010
Bellingham, Wa
For those who don't already know I'm on about my sixth paper design so far. Each one has given me a better idea of aircraft and design.

Trying to put together a material and price list this time so the project can be viewed more from a construction standpoint.
Aluminum is the material I'm most comfortable with, though I've worked in wood frequently and fiberglass once or twice.


Stall near 24Knots
Single place
mid/shoulder wing
enclosed cabin
retractable gear
Rollover protection
pusher engine
candy bar & tips

Currently looking at Mono-spar wing construction-flaps. 20 foot members are commonly available and have been working from the assumption of using one with removable tips.
Space frame fuselage is more comfortable for me than stressed skin. Tail configuration is currently H. The challenges are many, but it will come together one piece at a time-literally I can't afford more than one piece most of the time....

I'll get you all some pictures as soon as I can. Try to keep the topic focused if you can.


Wonderous Mountain