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Timber Tiger Kay's Speedster

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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
Sanford NC
Timber Tiger just dropped the first bit of information on their latest upcoming kit on their facebook page called Kay's Speedster. Another vintage inspired design now in two seat side by side configuration. Sparse on information but it looks like it's designed for a bigger engine which hopefully means more speed compared to the ST-L. I inquired about an enclosed cockpit option and all I got was a "stay tuned" so that's a good sign. I've always loved the ST-L since I first saw the prototype skeleton at Airventure. I would consider one but the kit is pretty expensive for a Performance, practicality, and warm season only limitations. If I'm going to sink that much money into an airplane I really need to be able to enjoy it all year here in the Carolina's. Sounds like this may check all the boxes and a design purpose built for a Verner which is very exciting!
