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The Scout and other car roof-portable folding wings ultralights

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2022

I have been thinking about a design that could be transported from my garage to a local field without a trailer.

I have watched episodes on YouTube about the Scout ultralight from the old days and the ability to take your aircraft on a holiday or a camping trip is very appealing.

The design should incorporate foldable wings and should basically only be a single beam construction, more of a upgraded hang glider than an airplane really.

I am interested to know if there are any of these designs available in Europe, have they been used around here and maybe if there are any for sale.

If not, the plans to build one, but I have been unable to source any.

So far the aircraft that come to my mind are the Scout, Teratorn and Zenair Zipper, Woodhopper (and Gypsy maybe) however only the Scout seems to truly be compatible with roof rack transport. Some of the others are probably not with folding wings.

Important to note is that the aircraft would be used for leisurely flying /hopping on the field on a Sunday with my aircraft enthusiast friends by the barbecue and the riverside, not for chasing numbers.
Ultra portability, low fuel consumption and lack of airport fees is the main motivator here.

It basically replaces my idea to use a powered hang glider to have fun,I learned to land on wheels and would prefer that to stay so lol.

Also I am a mechanics geek so having an engine to work on is actually a plus for me 😃 and I would likely power the aircraft with a Yamaha kt100esque engine.

Any ideas?
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