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Spar Repair Suggestuons

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2016
Kenmore, WA
I've enclosed a picture of the spar damage in my FP-101 that flipped over after forced landing in a field with 3ft high grass. This has been a great flying plane and I want to fix it. I think it is possible. The break is just outboard of the right wing strut. Rear spar was not damaged and bottom spruce spar cap component is not completely severed. Just split in front where plywood pulled away at joint. My feeling is that since the splits are essentially scarf shaped, I will Epoxy and clamp with t88 maybe thin down slightly with alcohol to make sure I can get it into the tightest area of split. Then glue plywood scabs to both sides of shear Webb. Maybe 1/4 inch to provide lots of gluing area to both top and bottom spar caps. Extending 10" to each side of break. And then finally fiber-glassing the entire structure wrapping the split area extending up to webbing scabs. Any ideas. Wing is 4ft wide and extends about 4 feet beyond break.


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