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Revisiting the EMG-6

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Jan 27, 2012
Glendale, CA
Hello all,

i had had been following the development of the EMG-6 for a while but had not visited the site since quicksilver pulled out. I had a look the other day and the resources they have for builders is incredibly well done. Wooden fuselage jig templates, paper patterns for tube fabrication and notching and a whole gamut of videos. This is a good representation of how the plans built arena has changed with CAD designed airframes.

I reached out to them via email but have not received a reply yet. Probably due to them being on the road to Oshkosh at the moment.

I like everything about the design, but my main concern is that it has about the same wing area as the Goat but at twice the weight. It may be more of a sport plane or ridge lift glider over a soaring machine but still it looks like a lot of fun. The folding wings are also a big plus for me.

Anyone on here building one yet? I can not find any build logs online either. A friend of mine is heading to Oshkosh and I hope he gets me some good pics. They are in CA so I can also visit them after Oshkosh which is nice aside from having to pay tax on any parts or kit pieces.

others thoughts on the EMG-6
