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KR-1 like options?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2014
Hey all,

Looking for other options / alternatives.

Basics - looking for a single place commuter plane, composite, has to be plans built.

My cherokee is a terrible choice for this commute, but it's worked for 3 years... However, it's slow, requires 2 fuel stops, 60+ yrs old, it's slow, starting to see more parts and age issues, and did I mention it's slow? :)

A semi-professional (he says retired) builder near me is in the process of kicking projects out of his shop (long stalled waiting on parts kits, he was working on them 3 years ago - pretty sure he hasn't made any progress on them since). Means he has room for new projects, so we're negotiating. This is someone I'd trust with my life (have before, and will again).

His rule - primarily composite. Plans built, more than one parts source. He'd prefer LongEZ or Q2 - I overruled based on northern airports suck (too rough - county dirt roads are usually in better shape). He did have KR1 and KR2 plans on hand - has built a KR2 before...

KR1 is probably too narrow (I'm 6'3 240lbs) google says KR2S narrowed might be a good option; I see KRNET is still very active - seems like they've picked up where rand left off... This makes me happier, but it's still an older design... However with the new airfoil, tail, flaps - etc... I was happy with an old proven design - an updated proven design is better.

Are there better choices? Options to consider?

Commute is 620mi, It's me at 240lbs + around 50lbs of gear. Primary need is increased range (1300mi + reserve would be ideal), a significant boost in speed is nice to have (pretty sure everything I've looked at is faster). Thirds still going to be reliability - not sure on that VW motor in the KR - that does worry me some.

Caveat - Hangar tetris says low/mid wing required...

Thanks in advance!