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Homebuilts for new pilots

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2014
Louisville, KY
I've been looking at many websites about homebuilt planes, and several of them have caught my attention. But as a student and soon to be private pilot, there doesn't seem to be many resources about which planes are good matches for those of us whose piloting skills are not yet well honed. I do not plan on starting my project soon, but probably could eliminate many contenders if I knew which ones are for experienced pilots, and which are appropriate for beginners.

Any planes that are good starters are welcome, but I'll name a few that I've seen.

The plane I'd most like is a plans built Sonex. I have access to a waterjet for cutting the aluminum, so the kit wouldn't be cost effective for me. I've already heard a couple of opinions that it is an easy to fly plane. However, a couple of other, radically different planes have caught my eye. These would be planes that I could reasonably expect to fly in a year (which I realize is pronounced "probably before 2018") and get experience in building and flying before tackling the Sonex or whatever plans I find in the intervening time that are better to me.

Aerodrome aeroplanes DR-1 or D-VII, most likely the D-VII for cost ($5500 for the kit), but the DR-1 is much cooler. They seem much quicker to build than the sonex as well. Are these appropriate for low hour pilots?

Mitchell U2. Says it's easy to fly, but does not look like it would be easy to land.

Forgive me if this has been answered already, I tried searching here, but perhaps I'm not using the correct search terms.