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Help me choose a design

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2016
Hillsboro, OR
I recently talked to a very intelligent EAA Technical Advisor, who advised against building an all wood design, in the Pacific Northwest, as a first project. He's a wood aircraft specialist, I trust his opinion. He instead recommended an all-metal or rag and tube design. I started looking at all that's available, and there's quite a few.

My wants are:

2 seat, side by side.
Good builder community support.
Good luggage space.
Proven design.
100HP or less.
All-metal wings preferred.
Less than $40k total cost(I know this is highly variable).
The cheaper, the better.

I've looked at(but not in person):

Kitfox(my current #1)
Belite Chipper(brand new design)
J6 Karatoo
Wittman Buttercup
Christavia MK2
Wag Aero Wagabond
Zenith CH750 Cruzer

I know some are kit or plans only, but I'm open to plans built if they are not complicated designs, I can get everything off the shelf, and there is substantial savings over a kit. I'm a novice welder, but I have several friends who are very good and can teach me more in-depth.

I plan on going to a fly-in this weekend that is expected to have approx. 200 airplanes, I will try to check out as many of these as possible.

Does anyone have any other suggested designs, or know which ones to avoid?
