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Greetings from Interior Alaska

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New Member
Jan 6, 2023
Might as well introduce myself since I'm here to learn as much as possible.

I'm a late 20s mechanical engineer with asperations of a (relatively)affordable capable aircraft to explore the wilderness of interior Alaska. Hunt scouting/access, remote hiking, and second tier(no ones hurt but we need a boat motor to get home) 'rescue' are the envisioned uses along with general time accrual. I have access to free parking at a grass strip(can be covered but I supply/build the cover), trailer storage ability at home, and a 2 car garage to build in. I've grown up around aircraft all my life and have experience helping with many mechanical fabrication/restoration/repair projects. People describe me as "having the knack" and extremely mechanically inclined.

Current plan is to build an Aeroplane Manufactory Chinook DR with in wing tanks and either a Rotax 670(used like a 583, supposedly this makes them very reliable), or a HKS 700e assuming the value of a 4 stroke is worth it (Rotax 912 would be nice but self overhaul is supposedly a pain).

Please shoot as many holes in this plan as you deem necessary, or impart bits of wisdom if you think I'm on the right track.
