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Experimental Motorglider built from donor glider wings?

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Jan 27, 2012
Glendale, CA
Hello All,

Im curious what the legality would be of say buying a Ka6, Ka8 or SGS 1-26 and using the wings and empenage if sized correctly and then mating it to a homebuilt fuselage to give conventional gear and either an electric motor or small 4 stroke. My only worry is all 3 have fairly low Gross weights and the addition of a motor and new fuselage would likely not leave much for the pilot. Or perhaps its OK and limit the G rating much lower to allow room for pilot weight. Also design the new fuselage to work with a 100 Kilo pilot and also keep the CG in its original range...

Now crazy thought.. Could a non modified set of Blanik L-13 wings work if designed into an airframe of less gross weight. Or would the AD still stand on the wings even if re purposed into another lighter aircraft.
