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Design for two place Adam A500?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Houston, Tx
I am in need of a fast two place CLT twin design for a very particular mission but am unable to find plans for one. I guess I’ll just have to design it myself… uh, somehow…

Mission: My wife and I are SEL pilots and avid scuba divers. We are setting up a retirement home on the Honduran island of Roatán. We live in Houston and if we had a 200kt airplane we could be in Cancun in 3hrs and in Roatán 90 minutes later.

Design Criteria (in order of importance, more-or-less):
  • Twin engine : We are NOT flying over the Gulf of Mexico in a single
  • Centerline Thrust : I know me… I am not going to practice engine-out flying as often as I should and thus will be unsafe in a conventional twin. Just being honest.
  • Range : 1000nm at 75% cruise
  • Cruise : 200kt at 75%
  • Seats : 2 + baggage
  • Cabin Size : >48” I am the same size and shape as an NFL quarterback, so I want some room
  • Service Ceiling : <FL180
  • Gentle Handling : This is an open road touring sedan, not a ‘sport sedan’
  • Gear : Fixed Tricycle
  • Construction : Composite
  • Entry : Side door

In fact, something like a 2 person Adam A500 would be just about perfect. (assuming something like that doesn’t already exist) I know about the Defiant, and also know that a complete set of plans are as rare as a millennial without a smart phone. (plus canards don't really do it for me)

I could certainly scale down an Adam A500 to a 2 place side-by-side on paper, but how would I test the design’s stability and flight characteristics?