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TWo Stroke Vs. Four, Why not???

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
I live on a 44 foot sailboat near West Palm Beach
Everybody seems to trash two strokes. Why? Not bull and second hand stories but real facts. Two stokes have less parts thrashing around. They are lighter and offer more HP to the pound than practically anything else. I have heard that oil starvation to the main bearings or center bearings is a factor. They generally run at higher RPM. Is that wherin lies the supposed problem? I believe that more frugal i.e. Cheap people (me) are trying to use them. These people might not be spending the time to get them installed and trweaked correctly. I am going to use a liquid cooled Kawasaki 440 with a reduction drive unit. This engine has oil injection including a line to the main center bearing. I have twin 36 mm Mikuni carbs on it and electric start. I will be using the dual plug heads with dual coils and CDI's , mostly for power reasons. Does anyone out there have good encouraging stories of well set up and long lived reliable two strokes? I'll take the bad news as well if is based on true fact. You can never ignore the truth.