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Seaplane Fuel Systems.

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Aug 16, 2021
Millbury, Ohio.
Happy New Year fellas.

I'm looking to nail down some preliminary planning for my seaplanes fuel system and I could use some help.

I've looked at various setups and I'm not sure exactly which features would be good for my application and which would pose additional risk with little benefit.

Taking the Icon A5 as a basic model, I envision a hull mounted tank with two fuel pumps in series. No check valves, flow through design. Fuel would flow through a gascolator, fuel filter, fuel pressure sensor, and then into a Rotec TBI carburator feeding a WW style 2850 Corvair aeroconversion engine. There would be a return line to help prevent vapor lock. One of my concerns with this plan is the lack of a fuel selector switch on the control panel. I am omitting it because I believe a DPDT switch would enable me to choose between pumps or to cut power to the pumps entirely. Of course there will be a vent, finger screen, and fuel level sensor of some sort for the tank. Is there anything about this hypothetical setup that would be obvious to any of you experienced aviators and builders I am not aware of that needs to be considered?