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Pearl Harbor Movie

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
Marion, Ohio
The AMC network had it on this evening, the one with Ben Affleck as a star.

Yes, I know it was just a movie, but....

I was wondering, when did the Stearman come out and be available for civilian use? In the opening scene of the movie the two heroes are about 10 or 11 years old, and playing around in a 'hanger queen' stearman. One of the character's father is flying a stearman cropduster. Later on in the movie (sometime in the late 1930s I would guess) one one of them says he is 25 years old, so born about 1915. This would make the first scene around 1925 or so. Kind of early for Stearmans to be in civilian use, don't you think?

Just looked it up on Wikipedia. The Stearman Company was not formed until 1926, and the version shown in the opening scene (what most of us think of as a Stearman) was not produced until after 1934 when Boeing took the place over.

Then later on in the movie, I would like them to explain why they would take a seasoned combat fighter pilot and send him on a 'suicide' mission to Japan, in a twin engine bomber???