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New to me RV-6 makes it home

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Chris In Marshfield

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Supporting Member
Jan 29, 2008
Northwest WI USA
After six long months of waiting since I bought her, my RV-6 finally made it home. 2012 model with 1400-ish hours on the clock. Got a couple of quirks as most planes do, but should be fun to make a couple of updates and then go bore holes in the sky.

It certainly doesn’t fly like anything I’ve flown to date. Very sensitive on the controls. Can’t manhandle it like the other trucks I’ve been in. Definitely a point-and-squirt kind of plane. I got my intro flight with a local EAA flight advisor and Vans transition instructor. Definitely going to get to relearn some things.

Certainly needs right-side brakes as my instructor won’t let me fly left seat without them. So I flew right seat for the intro flight. Let’s just say I’m glad he had brakes. :cool:

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