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New Member in Ohio

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New Member
Jan 12, 2023
Springboro, OH
I'm new to this forum, but I've been considering a homebuilt for 15+ years. Since I was military, I was moving every few years and it seemed quite impractical to try moving a partially assembled airplane around the country.

Now that I'm retired and planted in one place, I've gotten serious about a build. To that end, I recently visited an RV-7A owner at my local airport. I was quite uncomfortable in his airplane, which is a HUGE bummer, as the 7A was #1 on my list. My head nearly hit the canopy, and my legs were hitting the bottom of the panel with my feet on the pedals. I'm only about 6'1" and roughly 220, but I guess my proportions are out of whack.

I'll be searching here and other places to learn what options are out there for a plane that fits--my mission and my dilapidated old body!