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Looking for Info on Turbine Stallion

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John IV

Jun 17, 2015
San Antonio, TX / USA
Good Morning All,

I'm new to the homebuilt world (actually I technically haven't entered it yet) though I have owned quite a few certified airplanes over the years. Recently I was presented with a Hollman Super Stallion equipped with a Walters turbine engine. It looks like a very interesting plane and perhaps a good replacement for my current Turbonormalized V35B Bonanza. Unfortunately, there is very little info out there on the design and its flight characteristics (or any other info for that matter). I assume this is largely due to the fact that so few of these aircraft were built before the company stopped producing the kits.

I would be very grateful if anyone with experience with the design would share their thoughts / observations / critiques with me.

Any advise or information would be greatly appreciated!


John Atkin IV