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If I had my way there would be a law

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
If I had my way there would be a law. My 30 year old grandson just got checked out in his multi billionaire boss's new toy, an F-5 fighter, so he can fly him to see his Baja cars run in Mexico and South America. Guess the Cessna X wasn't fast enough :) My son showed me videos from the cockpit of loops, etc. We have to have a new law where grandfathers come first, second is the X-Airforce father and last the grandson. Our state Senator is a pilot and used to be a local airport bum, maybe he will get the ball rolling :)
Just not right, I tell you, just not right. Grandfathers get to have fun first. Didn't get a wink of sleep last night.
O-well, life is life.

Dan R.
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