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Parts Wanted HBA Member SCAM

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Crystal River Fl

A new HBA member (patrickkayy0) hooked me up to an individual named George ([email protected]) who supposedly had a Peterson Sportster Parasol brochure I was looking for. He wanted $70, after a number of e-mails we settled on $35 and he was paid via PayPal.

The payment was sent to this PayPal e-mail [email protected] as requested.

SCAM- Never received the brochure and all three of these people have not responded to my e-mails.

BEWARE! At least they only got me for $35.00!

PayPal has been NO help at all, in recovering the payment.

I should have spent a few more moments looking at the fine details, like what date did they join HBA and PayPal (the day payment was made) and I never would have agreed to this transaction.....

Live and learn, you can't trust anyone, anymore..... Sad.