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Jan 27, 2024
Saskatchewan canada
I have been interested in homebuilding an airplane for a lot of years and am finally getting closer to being in a position to build one.

I did my glider license in 2012 and then got my ppl in 2013 and flew for a few years but after I finished university I moved somewhere that the nearest airplane rental was 2.5 hours in a car away.

I recently moved to a larger city on the Canadian prairies and have been getting back into it.

Ultimately I would like to have my own airplane someday to be able to visit family about 300nm away without making a 6 hour drive.

I signed up here hoping to find something I had not come across elsewhere. The CH 640 really appeals to me but is unfortunately no longer offered.

Ideally I would like to find something like a 2+2 tricycle gear that could do 150 knots have 500nm range made of tube and fabric or aluminum that could be built for 100K.

I am not sure if that is even possible anymore though unfortunately so I might have to lower my standards a bit.

I am not opposed to scratch building and have a lot of free time at this point in my life someday that will change but I have a few years at least.

I have always had a real soft spot for Bellanca super vikings, are there any low wing tube 4-place tube and fabric XC homebuilt out there?

All my time is in Cessna 152, 172, 182RG and Cherokee 140 and 180.

I will say I am impressed with the sharing of knowledge I have come across on here.