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Flying Flea center of gravity.

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Malcolm C

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 18, 2020
I am about to make the engine mount for a 1/2 VW Global for my Flea. I have made a teeter totter jig to balance the craft while moving the engine back and forth on a dummy mount. My problem is what is the best C of G position ? The plans call for it to be roughly at the front wing rear spar position, with my Flea having an 8" gap between the wings that is where the c of g falls. Barnaby Wainfan in his Kitplanes article suggests having it at 40 per cent of the front wing chord which would be 6" forward of the plans and my position. Where should I put it?
I am tempted to split the difference and put it 3" forward of the plans position but am open to suggestions from informed parties


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