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Does the FAA not like the Rotax Corperation ?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
So we had a guest speaker at our EAA Chapter meeting this past Friday.
Our speaker was an FAA Safety Representative that gave a presentation on aircraft safety & etc.
What struck me funny about his presentation was the very glim view that the FAA apparantly has towards Rotax engines & accessories...2-strokes & 4-strokes.
Several times during his presentation he straight out bashed the Rotax Corperation.

Comments that were made :
1. Rotax engines have no place on aircraft.
2. Rotax engines are poorly designed.
3. You're asking for trouble using Rotax.
4. The clear fuel tubing has no place on aircraft.

Part of the presentation was focused on showing aircraft accidents and the causes.
For each accident that involved Lycoming or Continental not much was said....but for each accident involving a Rotax power aircraft the comments started.

I'm pretty sure that if a Rotax Rep had been present ....that meeting would have quickly become even more interesting.

Does the FAA not like the Rotax Corporation for some reason ?
