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Auto engine for a Mustang II

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2009
Janesville, Wi
Hi All,

I'm going to be starting a Mustang II in a few months (I can't remember how many times I've said that exact sentance :mad2:).

As of now, I'm planning on putting a Mazda Renesis in it. Plan is for a turbocharger because the MII is a good high altitude cross country plane and a turbo is good at quieting the noise of the rotary. I plan on using Tracy Crook's PSRU (unless something better comes along in the next 5 years).

I had originally planned on using Tracy Crook's ECI3/EMS3, which is what originally pushed me towards a rotary. After due consideration, I've decided to use the MegaSquirt3, which is a DIY ECU for automotive use. I plan on having two or three of them, so the whole redundancy and whatnot isn't a problem. What this also does it make it so that I can use them on any engine, I can use whatever EFI injectors I want to use, etc.

The rotary presents a lot of things that I like (smoothness, inherant reliability, etc). What I don't like is torsional vibration issues and (not meant as a slam on Tracy Crook) it seems like Tracy's PSRU seemed to "get lucky" in that there wasn't a lot of professional engineering that went into it, but it seems to work (assuming you use light props to prevent harmonics). That's fine if I want to use a fixed pitch.

So, finally, my question. What engine/PSRU comibations out there are proven reliable? I'm talking any and all engines here. I'm going to be fabricating the intake, exhaust, and dealing with all the accessories myself, might as well see what else is out there. I'd like to be able to run a C/S prop, but it's not a deal breaker if I can't. It will have a turbocharger or a supercharger if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance.


EDIT: Requirements: total FWF weight similar to an IO-360, 200-250HP, capable of 150HP sustained (hopefully).