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Wild 2 stokes?? Anyone thought of this??

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Active Member
Jun 27, 2007
Tallahassee Florida
I come from the 2 stoke motorcycle world.. and have now converted to planes. Have much 2 stroke experience... a thought came to me in a dream. What about a 500cc V-4 2 stroke Yamaha or a box 4 500cc 2 stroke Suzuki engine with about 90 horse power respectably? Let me know. I have a lead on where to get these extremely rare completely stock engines, if someone wants to give one a go! Before you say... no such thing.. trust me... there is such a thing.. they are available and I think they might work great in the Right application. IAs i recall the power band comes on strong at 3500 rpm's maybe a little less. Let me know. I will try to get some pics from my bikes. I have sold mine.. but I still have a few photos, if can find them. Here is the bike.. Ill try to find pics of the motors. Mike (Florida)