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What Is The Best Paint Remover For Fiberglass????

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Aguila AZ
Made a “UGE” mess today…kinda like the election…:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

Anyhoo…I am FINALLY getting around to installing a fresh air scoop and twin “power bulges” on my engine cowling so I figure I need to remove the paint and get down to bare fiberglass.

I tried Klean-Strip Fiberglass Paint Stripper and the existing paint just laughed at it and I could hear the paint taunting me with “Is that all ya got…is that the best you can do…sucker?”

I gobbed it on thick and let it marinade for about 25 minutes and yes it did bubble up a little bit of the paint however for the most part it was a complete waste of $30.00 and half the day. I thought I would be cleaver and use the pressure washer to wash off the goo however all it did was splatter paint debris all over my neighborhood street and the cleanup of the neighborhood wasted the other half of the day.

So the question is…what is the best way to remove paint from a fiberglass engine cowling?

I envision a paint stripper that will gob on thick, attach the paint, I can scrape it into a garbage bag with a plastic scraper, and minimal wash up so I do not have to pressure wash the neighborhood…again.

THANKS for your help!!!