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Triplane Design

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Jul 11, 2022
Hi everyone,

I love unconventional or unique aircraft designs and concepts. An aircraft configuration that I have always been fond of is the triplane. Unfortunately, and understandably because it is not a very aerodynamically efficient configuration, there does not seem to be a lot of literature or data for triplanes. Most aircraft design books that I have read only briefly mention triplanes, if at all, and simply state that they are not suitable for most applications. While for most applications, a triplane is probably indeed not the best choice due to its high drag, I have always thought the triplane seems like a great solution for an ultralight or backyard flyer who's primary purpose is recreational flying. For an aircraft that is just meant to put a smile on your face and fly relatively slow it doesn't need to be the most efficient, slippery machine. I'm imagining designing an aircraft similar to the Pensuti Triplane.

With that said, it seems very difficult to find any data or literature for someone wanting to design a triplane. Is anyone aware of any resources or perhaps has any experience with triplanes and can share some knowledge or point me towards more information? For biplanes there are formulas for calculating the lift-curve slope such as Munk and Glauert but I haven't found any for calculating the lift-curve slope for a triplane for use in stability calculations or even simply setting the incidence of the wings.

If anyone can be of help that would be fantastic! Thanks!


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