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Towable Rogallo Trike: Design and Compromise

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Two lane aviator

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014

Since my other thread has just "died", i guess i have to start a new one.

Now, let's start on a completely different, alot more realistic footing.

I have decided to do an early style Rogallo trike.

And now i have clearer than ever mission requirements:
60-70 feet takeoff and landing roll
2 stroke minimal HP engine (grass cutter)
70 kg empty weight
100 kg payload
roadable and towable
as quiet as possible
8-10m span

Yes, i know the Achilles' heel of the early Rogallos. If you dive, you crash.

But it is the simplest and easiest to build aircraft (and probably the only one that fits my budget)

Any other problems? Should i compromise anything? More wing area or Higher AR? Should i build it high (2m or more) or low (less than 2 m)?
How do i make the weight limit?