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Tolerances for rivet holes

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2014
Louisville, KY
One of my many possible projects is the Davis DA-5 plans that Billyvray was kind enough to forward to me. I have access to a water jet, so I am thinking about making a CAD file for the sheet metal parts. I'm not sure of the precision/accuracy of the water jet, but if it cut the rivet holes, what is the tolerance on a rivet hole? Pilot holes would save time, but it would save an awful lot of drilling & deburring if all the holes were cut the right size to begin with.

This is something that I'm months away from doing so this is a very preliminary inquiry, and I realize the water jet is probably not going to be precise enough but I'd like to know what the tolerances are anyway.

If this is a bad idea in other ways, please let me know too.