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Re-Routeing the Starter Rope !

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Bob Kelly

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
N.Calif Mountians
I have recently completed re-Routing the starter rope on my gyro,
this was done for 2 reasons
1. for safty when starting. I have to be seated in the pilots seat.

2. gives the ability to at least try and start the engine while flying if it should stall .

the re-routing of the starter rope took a few items , 2- 2" metal pullies with their retaining framework and the needed bolts to hold them on with.
longer starter rope .
and faberacateing the brackets to hold the pullies on .

the bottom pully nearest the starter on the engine just needed a piece of 2" angle with 1/4" holes drilled in it in the appropiate locations to bolt it on.
... the pully on the mast needed a plate with 3 holes and 3- 3.5" bolts to hold it on the mast, as i didn't want to weaken the mast by drilling holes in it. so the upper pully is just clamped to the mast.
I also fabricated a small bracket out of scrap to hold the starter rope from comeing off the upper pully , so the handle is alwayse where its supposed to be ...
the hardest part of this whole thing was pulling the engine loose to replace the starter rope on the starter ratchet system on the rotex 447.... sense the engine was so close to the mast it was nessarry to move the engine back to get the starter houseing off.
once that was done , I installed the new rope ( 1/4" nilon 450lb test ..
at any hardware store )
re assembled the starter houseing and
mounted the engine back in place , includeing all the safty wires on the motor mounts.
next i routed the starter rope that I purposely left many feet too long , through the pullies.
once that was done I installed the starter handle and left the extra rope still connected , just in case ....
after pulling it several times and checking out that the rope length was correct. I then cut the rope. and melted the end so it wouldn't frey , with a match or two.
not having started the engine in about 2 weeks because of the rain I pulled the air cleaner and gave her a squirt of quick start and climbed abord and turned on the ignition switch and gave her a pull, she fired up on the first pull, , though reaching arround to turn off the choke is a pain in the posterier , I think i mak install a cable on the choke lever for added convienence, ( but thats later ! )

this should work well on most gyros depending on your engine and frame type ofcorse , use your own judgment as alwayse !

Time will tell if its a good idea or not, having to sit in the craft to start it is a pain when she is all tied down on the trailer however. but standing besides the seat also works i have found.... just watch your nuckels on the joy stick !!!!!!

Perhaps this will be of some use to someone who knows !

Have fun !

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