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Prop balancing - combining two weights

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2019
Bell, FL
So I did new balancing runs with existing balance weight in place and now want to combine the two weights into one.

What is the formula for that?

Existing weight: 12 g @ 148 deg @ 5.9" radius. (10.5 g @ 148 @ 6.75" radius)
New weight: 20 g @70 deg @ 6.75" radius.

What is the combined weight and angle of the resulting weight? (10.5g @148 + 20g @70)

(The added weight was done by replacing spinner screw and tinnerman washer with a long 1/8" screw and stack of 1/4" washers. I realize that I will have to increase the resulting weight as I move it inside the spinner on the rear spinner bulkhead. Probably 5.8" or 6.75/5.8.)
