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Pre-Rotator gearing

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Bob Kelly

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
N.Calif Mountians
Hi all
I am thinking of changeing the gearing of my Pre-rotator a little ...
the Reason is that it is a pain to have to hold the Gyro to the ground when i am trying to spin her up .... the thrust is so strong it wants to push the gyro right on over me ...
i was thinking of speeding it up a bit so i don't have to rev the engine so high and stand there and hold it....

right now it seams to get the Rotors to just below flight speed , but that is takeing the engine to 4000 rpm... and that realy puts a strain on me legs, not to mention the soles of me shoes ! ....

I can easily change the counter pully that is 4.5 " in diam . i was thinking of replaceing it with a smaller pully of perhaps 3.5" in diam
and change the belt to one that is 1.5" smaller ... ( if my figures are right )
... Not sure it would spin it that much faster though ... it doesn't sound like much .
the pully on the base of the prop is 6" ... it goes to a 4.5" pully then to a 2:1 90deg. gearbox... then to a 2" pully and finally to a 12" pully at the Rotor .
Any sujestions ?

