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Need help with a Kawasaki 440 A2 engine - Not enough power !!

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New Member
Oct 2, 2013
We are currently using a Kawasaki 440 A2 motor on a tandem quad paramotor
and are seeking advice on how to get more power out of it.

We are using 3 Ivoprop ultra light 64 inches diameter props.
We are using Tachometer Trail Tech TTO Tach/Hour Meter to measure RPMs and temperature.

At idle we have it set at around 2000 RPM which seems to work and when we are flying at max velocity we are reaching 7800 RPMs
but the CHT cylinder head temperature only reaches 170 degrees so we think we should be able to reach higher RPMs

We have been playing around with the pitch of the props and its currently set for max pitch, or at least we think so.

We have been flying this engine in another location for a week which was very dry weather and we are currently flying in the
caribbean which is a lot more humid. Can this make a big difference and do we need to make adjustment for this ?

What we currently are lacking is more power - when we fly around alone in our tandem quad with a 42 m2 wing we are rising very slowly.
We flew up to a 1000 feet the other day but it took almost 15 min to get there.

Do you have any suggestions to modifications or adjustments ?

We are thinking it might be a pitch issue ? Should we have less pitch maybe
Or should we put in a different jets in the carburetor - WE have several that came with the engine.
Or can it be an adjustment of the accelerator ?

Any suggestions or advice are greatly appreciated...

Best regards,
Mikael Sidenius