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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
I’m currently running a low time 0-200 on an original design and a 700 TTSN 912ULS on a 701. I didn’t like the 912 for a long time but have come to respect it. It’ll haul a light 701 around pretty darn good. It rately needs anything much but if it does I gotta box it up and send it to a Rotax guy. I can do anything to the O200. I built it up. Most everything but the crank and cam brand new. I’d hate to have to choose between the two. They both good at what they good at and not so much at anything else.
Only bike I got left is Jackass, my ragged out KLR. He’s my brother. Bored, big carb, open rxhaust, 80# off of it, one tooth bigger rear sprocket. I don’t get out over the headlight anymore so don’t do full power launches. It’ll go over. The Harleys hate it