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Initial design - Microlight amphib - open to suggestions and critique

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013

i've been playing around with plane maker for last few days (x-plane) and managed to more or less get the concept that was in my head into a model :)

It flies! To be expected, but I'd like it flying much better before I even think seriously about attempting to build it. But that is the overall plan!

the idea is it's a side by side 2 place amphibious microlight (ultralight in USA I think), so I think I'm going to have to make the wings bigger and do some more tinkering to get the stall speed down...that's one of the many tweaks, at the moment according to x-plane it stalls at about 55mph.

The whole thing was modelled with absolutely no calculations, and standard airfoil so requires a lot of modification.

Open to to any suggestions and critique regarding the design.

here are some pics (screen grab wasn't working for some reason, so these are pics of the physical screen, sorry for bad quality)

image (4).jpeg
image (3).jpeg
image (2).jpeg
image (1).jpeg