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Burtz new production 5 bearing main, full pressure oil system “model a” engine

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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 4, 2023
Being a model a ford owner (had to turn it over 30 times by hand every week when I mowed my grandmas yard growing up to kept it “loose” , it was driven into the garage in 1967 and stayed there till I got it, I hated doing it as a kid, darn glad I did when it became mine) and being an aircraft enthusiast I’ve always had a spot for pietnpols, but I think Burtz new production engines might have a lot of potential past just piets. New blocks made and rotating assemblies made to modern tolerances, 5 main bearings instead of the original 3 to reduce crankshaft whip. Full pressurized oil system instead of dipper rods. Externally identical to originals so parts are available And reasonably priced. Large displacement flat head,.. I’m really thinking a 6.5/1 off the shelf aluminum head with a turbo set up could make a very viable engine that can run on pump gas without the need of a reduction drive. 250 CI, with a very reasonable effective compression ratio after boosting it quite a bit and really quite reasonably priced.?.. please blow this idea apart, single ignition is a negative but not insurmountable, but I can’t convince myself that it’s not worth pursuing, and I need more projects like I need another hole in my head. 😁