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Acro Eagle?

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Aug 28, 2015
Lititz, PA
Hi all,

I'm a private pilot and member of a flying club that gives me access to a Grumman Tiger. I learned to fly in a Citabria. I used to own an RV-6A that I bought flying. The Tiger is fine for getting my wife and me places, but it's not much fun (and expensive) for local flights. I also miss doing (gentleman's) acro. It's the greatest stress reliever I've ever found.

I got the itch to build something because I want to BUILD something. I'm really interested in learning about oxy/acetaline welding, machining, etc.. I want something that is very simple and straightforward. I found the Legal Eagle XL and it's nearly exactly what I'm looking for minus the acro portion but I REALLY want an acro bird. A compounding factor is my size. I'm 6'5" and 270 pounds.

So, is there anything out there that is similar to the Eagle but capable of spending some time upside down with my big posterior in it? I really don't care about it being an ultralite nor am I concerned about speed. I ordered a set of LE XL plans, and if nothing is out there, I'll probably proceed with the build as is.

Many thanks,