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80% scale Tiger Moth vs. Pitts S2 vs. Special.2

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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2014
St.Rober, MO
While I plan on building an F12A as a long term goal, I am considering cuttings my teeth on something simpler and less expensive to familiarize myself with home building an aircraft. I would like a low cost of operation, fun to fly, and the ability to take a passenger. I have never flown a biplane but they seem to meet all the criteria above, plus the nostalgia factor! How do they fly compared to the 150s and 172s I rent? Do any of them offer something unique that the others don't? I'm fairly low on hours now, so I don't want something that's going to be a handful, but I would like something that will be up to more advanced maneuvers as I become more proficient. It doesn't necessarily need to be fully aerobatic,but it should be able to allow me to hone and refine my skills at a comfortable pace.

Insight and experience greatly appreciated!