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What to build? 2 seat, 39kts stall speed, under 450kg total weight.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013
Hi guys. While dabbling with designs and projects for uni I'm a long way off starting to build any of them, this will come with time and experience, but in the meantime I want to get building!

I've found a workshop locally that would be ideal, and think I'll sign the lease within the next few weeks at the most...a good price and I've been looking for a while, but I don't know what to build!

Here's what I'm looking for:
2 seats side-by-side
Stall speed under 39kts at max gross of 450kg

Ideally Rutan method of glass over foam as I've done composites work in the past. Never aircraft grade, but I have the basic skills.

My metalworking skills are ok, but I don't have the correct tools and equipment of my own and don't think I could get regular 'extra curricular' access to the hanger to use the university's equipment.

Wood and fabric: not something I want to get into.

Should add I'm learning in a Eurostar EV-97 with a Rotax 912. Its low wing, and I love the canopy/visibility.

Would prefer tri-gear as I've never flown a taildragger and heard too many stories.

Any suggestions?