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Turnbuckle alternatives

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2003
Corona CA
I know I threw this out there a long time ago, but just to keep our mutual grey matter active: What could be used in place of the currently astronomically expensive streamlined wires or the equally outrageously priced AN turnbuckle?

My biplane requires a total of 26 (twenty-six) bracing wires, from about 800 lbs to about 6000. (Hey - I like wire briced biplanes...) so at $50+ for a single AN135-61 the cost is staggering. I can live with round stranded wire (or come up with a cheap way of streamlining it) but real streamline wires are just unbelievably expensive.

Marine hardware can be good quality, but is not available in lighter sizes, and is almost as expensive. What we need is a neat, simple home-machinable little gadget of Macchivellian ingenuity. I have no problem with cut threads as opposed to rolled as long as you figure an extra factor for that. And since it is exposed it should be quite compact to and look halfway decent.

Just thought I'd throw it out there again and see what comes up.