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testing non standard glue

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
Preparing to start construction on my aircraft I've obtained samples of Araldite epoxi glue which was recommended by the reseller's specialist.

I've made some test pieces by cutting thin wooded strips (half inch x 1 inch roughly) along the grain and a 10 to 1 diagonal cut (along the longer side) to glue them back together.

When breaking the pieces the glue does not come loose but the pieces do come apart at the joint. One of the pieces will be intact with all the glue and small bits of the other glued to it.

The other piece will be clean of glue and a rough surface caused by the material being separated.

Is that an acceptable failure or am I doing something wrong? The glue seems appropriate as it held together though. Maybe it needs to go deeper into the wood? How would I accomplish that?

I was under the impression the pieces were expected to break someplace else than the joint. The joint is definitely weaker than the rest of the piece though.

If pictures are required I'll post them tonight.