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Sonerai Sticker

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Tim just informed me that he's sold out on stickers. If we decide to sell something else, what would you guys like? Caps? T-Shirts?

Never saw a cap I didn't like (saw some I wouldn't wear, but that's different...)

Cafepress lists a selection of Sonerai.net items... http://www.cafepress.com/sonerainet

Do these not support the community, or is this something left over from a previous effort, or...?
I setup CafePress a few years ago but didn't promote it since they take a huge percentage of the sale. I think we can make 50 or so caps using another vendor that offers us a better deal. These details can be ironed out later. For now, we have one vote for caps.

As Scott indicated we be out of stickers for now. I have enough to fill the orders that came this weekend. I have placed an order for 10 ball caps with the same design on them. The caps are white, the design should be Navy blue, I am waiting for the proof. If I like them they will be for sale, to the first 10 people that respond to this post. :D

Pttim said:
If I like them they will be for sale, to the first 10 people that respond to this post. :D

Please count me in... post the price and whatever shipping allowance is; via I assume PayPal ?
Caps. Definitely. T-shirts eventually just end up as dust rags, and it would hurt to see a Sonerai image subjected to that.

The Other Bill
I'm in for a cap - as long as its without the pin. I ordered a couple off the EAA website this summer. Saves your cranial getting a 'point' compression crack from the canopy during turbulence!